Prolific Art Concepts
by Jeffrey A. Nord, Sergeant First Class (Retired Reserves)

By Jeff Nord, Copyright 2015

By Jeff Nord, Copyright 2015

By Jeff Nord, Copyright 2015

By Jeff Nord, Copyright 2015
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Roy A. Nord, my grandfather, was the lead co-founder of Hobo Day in 1912 at South Dakota State College (now known as South Dakota State University). He served as an Infantry Company Commander at the end of WWI and was congratulated by General John J. (Blackjack) Pershing in France after the war. In 1943, Governor Sharpe appointed him to a 4-year term as South Dakota Tax and License Director. He spent most of his working life as a lawyer and as a judge.
Roger B. Nord, my father, was a real war hero. From August 1951 to November 1951, he fought many battles for the U.S. Army's 5th Cavalry Regiment (1st Cavalry Division) in Korea as a Communications Operator, carrying a 40-pound radio and running phone wire across open terrain. During the Battle for Hill 200, his Company Executive Officer, 1LT Lloyd L. Burke , the only surviving officer left in the company, earned the Congressional Medal of Honor and only 30-35 Soldiers in the company, including my dad, survived not being killed or badly wounded. On two separate occasions during his horrific time in Korea, my dad was hit with shrapnel, first in the nose and later, in the back. However, he was never awarded even one Purple Heart, because, as he was told, his wounds "weren't bad enough to take him off the line", and despite all he did, he never received any award for his actions.
"LIFER" is the story of my very unique 33-years in the US Army, Army Reserve and Army National Guard. I performed a variety of roles for several different types of units, including Artillery, Infantry, Engineer and Transportation (Heavy Boat).
A few highlights:
August 1978 - Completed basic training at Ft Sill, OK (I was 17 and between my junior and senior year of high school).
Summer 1984 - Completed ROTC Advanced Camp and Cadet Troop Leadership Training at Ft Lewis, WA.
January 1991 - Deployed to Operation Desert Storm for three months in the deserts of Saudi Arabia and Iraq.
1993 - Completed basic training again, this time at Ft Benning, GA.
1994 - Served in Macedonia on a United Nations mission, called Operation Able Sentry, to guard the Serbian border.
2000 to 2005 - Processed orders, awards and security clearances at the Military Personnel Office of the State Headquarters for the South Dakota Army National Guard at Camp Rapid in Rapid City, SD.
June 10, 2014 - Retired in the rank of Sergeant First Class (Retired Reserves).